I Believe…

It’s been a good while since I’ve written here. Life has been in the way, but today I wanted to write about the things I believe. So here goes…

I believe when you make a date with someone you shouldn’t ghost them or not show up. You should be honest as you say you have been especially when you’ve put in many hours getting to know someone.

I believe that you should be honest despite the consequences and anger that may come along with the truth and yes, I’m guilty of the lies too, but I shouldn’t be.

I believe that nothing is too hard with the help of God and good friends and family. It may seem impossible in the moment but looking back you will see how what seemed impossible made you stronger in the end.

I believe in God and Jesus but I’m not pushing my beliefs down anyone’s throat. It’s not my place to tell you what you should believe in religious or any other terms.

I believe that two friends can be on the same terms or on different terms and still get a long. And that if a fight occurs it sometimes takes time to rebuild to where you were.

I believe that heroes who pass deserve the respect of lined streets and sirens and lights as they are welcomed home.

I believe that we are all chasing dreams and some come true and some don’t.

I believe that no matter what you should never give up. Fight hard. Fight to the end. Don’t give up and let anyone or anything destroy you even when the light at the end of the tunnel doesn’t appear to be there.

I believe that families that don’t speak to each other over silly little arguments or disagreements is a stupid way to live and one day you will regret it. Too bad that day will be a funeral.

I believe that time heals nothing. It’s what you do with that time that heals things.

I believe that you can’t change for someone. If you try in the end you will be miserable and lose who you are. If you want to change, fine do…but do it for yourself.

And finally, I believe that we are all a work in progress. Never stop learning. Never stop growing. Never stop striving to be a better version of yourself. Don’t tear others down to build yourself up and never forget where you came from. When you look back only look back to see where you came from don’t hold on to the things you had to let go or you will miss out on what you are to become.

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