
I want this to be my goal. I want to be somebody who makes everyone feel like somebody.

It’s important for people not to feel alone, forgotten, loved, and unneeded. I’ve felt all of these things at one point or another in my life. I probably even feel part of them now. The majority of my life I’ve felt like I was standing in a crowd of people and no one ever noticed me. I’ve felt like the afterthought. I’ve felt like a stranger to most everyone that I love.

It has never been easy for me to connect to people. I have trust issues. I have a history of abuse. I have mental health issues which cause mood swings and extreme anxiety at times. For a long time I wouldn’t let anyone in. Then I did and got hurt. I shut down again. I began to trust a few people and open up only to be hurt again. It’s a vicious circle. You can’t feel connected to people without opening up. But opening up leaves you the chance to be hurt.

Yes, I know I could be – and probably will be – hurt. But my hope and prayer is that something I do every day makes someone feel like they are somebody.

I don’t know who or if anyone is reading this, but you are somebody. You are important. You are needed. You are loved. You are not alone. I probably don’t know you (or maybe I do) but I’m here.

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